Monday, March 2, 2009

Why a Vintage Rolex Watch is So Popular

By Marcus Welby

Rolex watches have long been known to symbolize status and prestige. When it comes to those things, they are absolute icons. There is likely a reason for that, a deliberate one. The people who founded Rolex, the people who design the watches, and the people who make them all want them to be the best. They are supposed to be the best. They are designed, literally, to be impressive. When you see a Rolex watches, it should exceed your expectations about what a luxury watch should look like. That is the idea. That is why the makers take upwards of a year to put together all the tiny parts required to make a Rolex tick.

Given all of that information, it is easy to see why these watches are so eye catching. They are just this side of ostentatious. Of course, when the very idea of an item is to denote status, how else could it look? You are not supposed to be able to mistake a Rolex for any other watch. The people who buy them count on that fact.

As you might thus expect, buying a Rolex can cost you quite the pretty penny. They are so expensive that some people seriously go through financing options in order to buy one. Such efforts are considered worth it, since the end result is getting to wear a Rolex watch on your wrist. When you wear one, presumably, all the things associated with them - respect, prestige, wealth - are yours for the taking.

Rolexes were founded in 1905. They have been in business for more than a hundred years in total. That is extremely impressive. We live in a society where there is a new "newest fashion" just about every day of the week. The amount of money Rolex brings in every year reflects its popularity and its success. The company grossed billions of dollars just in 2003.

At one point in time, a Rolex watch was a status symbol for the very, very wealthy. That is to say, businessmen wore them. Men, all told, of leisure. These days, however, people wear them at work, at play, during evening events, and naturally as the perfect complement to a formal outfit.

However, a lot of other social groups now enjoy the prestige of Rolex as well. It is particular popular among musicians. The members of all sorts of genres, from rock n' roll to rap and hip hop, enjoy flashing their shining, rich looking watches.

That is, in part, what has made it become so popular among more than just the high, wealthy class. That is also the reason why certain people are willing to finance their purchase of a Rolex watch. Whether this is good or bad is really a matter of personal opinion.

Without a doubt, however, Rolex is around to stay. It has already been around for more than one hundred years, after all. Collectors prize these finely made watches with their many, minute, and intricate parts. As luxury watches, they are truly second to none. Their assembly is so detailed that as soon as a single Rolex watch is completed, it is almost considered a collector's item from that moment on. Because it is very construction reflects the time and care which goes into crafting a Rolex watch, there is no question why so many people think that this Rolex is well worth its expensive cost.

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