When you go to college, you will have to pay a pretty penny. College costs seem to go nowhere but up, and not everyone is able to afford them. In fact, most people aren't able to afford college without some type of assistance. This assistance could be college savings, scholarships, financial aid, loans, or a combination of them all. Loans are a very popular type of aid for college. Most students graduate with student loans.
How much are your student loans worth? Did you graduate with a lot of debt? When you went looking for loans, the first loan you got was probably the government Stafford Loan because of the low rate. If you have financial need, you can get the Subsidized Stafford Loan which allows you to not pay interest on it while you are in college.
Besides government loans, there are other lending options. You can go through a student loan service, get a personal loan, have your parents get a loan, take out a second mortgage, or use credit cards. I suggest that you don't take out a second mortgage and that you NEVER use a credit card to pay for college.
You may want to look into going to a cheaper school. Cheaper schools are usually state colleges and only cost less because the government pays for part of it. Often state schools are actually better than many more expensive private schools.
If you really want to minimize your student loan debt, change your college choice. There is no reason to go to a really expensive school unless you either get a full ride there or you are a genius and just most go Ivy League.
You can save even more money if you go to a community college first then transfer. Community colleges are even cheaper and you'll also save money on room and board because you'll be commuting.
Commuting is another way to save a lot of money. A lot people end up not liking dorm life anyway. If you can commute from home you won't have to pay room and board and your parents will support you, if they agree, the same as they did when you were in high school.
Another way to help pay for college is to get a job. Get a part time job during school to at least pay for all your daily expenses and books. If you are a good saver, you can even stash some away for tuition.
How much are your student loans worth? Did you graduate with a lot of debt? When you went looking for loans, the first loan you got was probably the government Stafford Loan because of the low rate. If you have financial need, you can get the Subsidized Stafford Loan which allows you to not pay interest on it while you are in college.
Besides government loans, there are other lending options. You can go through a student loan service, get a personal loan, have your parents get a loan, take out a second mortgage, or use credit cards. I suggest that you don't take out a second mortgage and that you NEVER use a credit card to pay for college.
You may want to look into going to a cheaper school. Cheaper schools are usually state colleges and only cost less because the government pays for part of it. Often state schools are actually better than many more expensive private schools.
If you really want to minimize your student loan debt, change your college choice. There is no reason to go to a really expensive school unless you either get a full ride there or you are a genius and just most go Ivy League.
You can save even more money if you go to a community college first then transfer. Community colleges are even cheaper and you'll also save money on room and board because you'll be commuting.
Commuting is another way to save a lot of money. A lot people end up not liking dorm life anyway. If you can commute from home you won't have to pay room and board and your parents will support you, if they agree, the same as they did when you were in high school.
Another way to help pay for college is to get a job. Get a part time job during school to at least pay for all your daily expenses and books. If you are a good saver, you can even stash some away for tuition.
About the Author:
Trying to find the best college loans? Avoid college loan repayment and try to pay as much for school as possible without loans.
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