Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Needs of Office Furniture Cubicles

By Betty Freid

The office of any person needs to be situated to the perfect degree that will help that person reach the maximum level of efficiency. The best way to achieve this is to have the best office furniture available. From the comfort of the chair to the usefulness of the desk, every aspect of an office will lift the person's work success higher.

Getting the work done is made easier by the right desk chair. If the chair is not perfect, the most comfortable, then the work will suffer. The perfect office comes from finding the best chair for sitting eight hours straight.

An office that is professional yet economical is the greatest need for the person working from home. The smaller desks that have multiple sections are the best type of office furniture for this office. Sturdy armrests and capability of movement are musts for the office chair.

People who work from home need these two characteristics because they multitask more than those who work in office buildings. Working and taking care of the children should be rewarded by the most comfortable chair available. The armrests too play a part in the multitasking as they are a place for the children to touch to feel connected to the work.

The desk needs multiple sections for the sole purpose of keeping the office space to a minimum to not allow the at-home job to completely take over the home. The filing, to-do lists, and hidden snacks for bribing the children all need spaces in the at-home desk. Some will not need such things that pertain to the attendance of the children, but those who have chosen to work from home to be near the children will.

Cubicles have come a long way since the beginning of the long standing joke of how people do not want to spend their lives in one. They have become very popular in office building environments. It has almost become a privilege to work in a cubicle.

The cubicle is no longer just three half-sized walls made of felt that might fall over if the window is opened on a windy day. Cubicles now resemble solitary desks with wooden walls with many different levels of height. The space saving of having cubicles allows the employees to grow in number allowing them to not be overwhelmed with their workload.

The efficiency and production of the employees is directly affected by the comfort level of the office furniture. The employee will get distracted from their work in looking for comfort if the office is not providing that for them. Ergonomic requirements must be met by the office chair.

The height, softness and movement of an office chair are extremely important to the ergonomics of the human body. If the office chair is too high or too low, the employee will not be able to work for very long due to stretching to reach the keyboard. If the chair is not soft and movable, the employee will need to stand much sooner than their normal eight hours.

Headaches, backaches, and boredom can become reoccurring maladies for the person who does not have the proper office furniture. The strain of looking in the wrong direction at the monitor all day can cause headaches. The improper placement of the keyboard can cause carpal tunnel syndrome very quickly.

Work suffers from unhappy employees. If the office furniture does not create an environment of efficiency then the work will not get done. If the employee feels comfortable then the work will get done quickly, efficiently and happily.

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