Monday, March 2, 2009

Could Your Affiliate Marketing Use A Boost?

By Brian Goodfellow

Hardly a week goes by that someone doesn't contact me to ask me about their website. They generally state that they have just started with affiliate marketing and they're wondering why they aren't seeing any sales. Usually after a brief glance at their website I can tell them exactly why they're not seeing any income from their affiliate programs.

Almost without a fault, I see the same mistakes being made over and over. It's not because these newbies do it on purpose, they're just listening to the same so called "Guru's". Well folks, those Guru's don't know how to make money with affiliate marketing. They're just selling you stuff because they don't know how to do it their self.

So I've sit down and written a few things you need to change in order to be successful with affiliate marketing.

One thing I see quite a bit of is Noobs picking the wrong affiliate program. For an affiliate program to be successful, it needs to be something that the masses want and are willing to pay money for. Specialty items can be marketed successfully if you can get the right kind of traffic, but generally they're harder to sell than mainstream items.

Another mistake I see is Newbies trying to out sell major companies. Sure, the Internet is a great equalizer, but you have to have the experience and resources if you plan on taking on a big corporation with a nearly unlimited advertising budget. You'll be better off targeted something that isn't being sold 24/7 over radio, TV, print media and Cable outlets.

Be patient. This is one thing I see newcomers do all the time. They quit before their marketing promotions really take hold. Many quit just about the time they would otherwise be bringing in money. Whenever I start a new website in a competitive market, I plan on it taking a year before I see any real money. Sometimes I plan on 18 months. It takes time to get the traffic to your site unless you have deep pockets and are using PPC.

What type of traffic are you targeting. This is the second problem I see affiliate marketers doing. They go out and drive the wrong kind of traffic to their websites. Some people are really good at getting tons of Social Media types to their websites. Just one problem. Social Media is known as a poor converter. They're generally a high tech, web savvy crowd who uses the Internet more for reading and entertainment than purchasing. You need to be targeting those who want to buy your product, not traffic you can push to your website because it's easy. There is a big difference and you need to know what it is.

Finally, another thing I see Noobs do is that they fail to pre-sell their products or services. Sure, everyone wants a Plasma TV, but why should they buy the one on your website rather than go to Wal-Mart or Best Buy? When someone lands on your website, your sales page should be written in a way that it will entice them to buy the product right then. If you don't know how to do this, take a few courses in copywriting or hire it done.

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