Monday, February 2, 2009

Mortgage industry

By reklicom

Here's what you need to do...Promise yourself that you'll spend 30 uninterrupted minutes each day working on the marketing part of your mortgage business. Set aside a 30 minute block of time. Turn off your cell phone. Checking your email and surfing the Internet is not allowed. Answering the phone is not allowed. Out bound calls are allowed. Use a timer or alarm because clock watching is not allowed either.The next 30 minutes are your marketing minutes, so make the most of this time. Here are but a few suggestions on how to spend those precious 30 minutes:

Schedule your 30 minute marketing period every day and over time, you'll see some pretty significant results. Incidentally, this little technique works for other chores you've been putting off.

Unfortunately, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. According to the latest estimates, over 2 million subprime and Alt-A adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) holders will face payment increases of up to 30%-100% when their loans reset in the next 2 to 18 months. These loans make up less than 40% of the total mortgage market, but the negative effects, as we have seen, of increased foreclosure activity can have a ripple effect throughout the industry and around the globe.

Thou shalt dedicate thyself to becoming the very best Mortgage Professional you can be. Thou shall be a virtual sponge and soak up everything related to your knowledge and improvement of your Mortgage Business. The more you learn, the more powerful you become, and the more powerful you become, the more effective you will be at originating mortgages.

There is no doubt that all of us have broken these commandments from time to time. Should you consistently break these Ten Commandments of Mortgage Marketing, you do run the risk of a mass customer and prospect exodus the world has yet to see.

Thou shalt create and maintain a detailed Mortgage customer, prospect list, and contact list. Thou shall allocate time each week to maintaining and updating thy lists. For it is these lists that hold the customers that will be in your next mortgage pipeline and your pipeline for years to come.

Thou shalt steal good marketing ideas only from successful competitors. Add your personality and experience to the mix and make it your idea. Just be sure you do not violate any copyright laws.

How did this happen?The recent real estate boom was fueled by a period of record home appreciation and historically low interest rates. Banks, in order to compete, loosened guidelines and began offering more funding to more borrowers through riskier, non-conforming or "exotic" mortgages.

These ideal lending conditions persisted for several years, supported by high demand, historical real estate data, home prices, and massive trading volume/profits on mortgage-backed securities and other financial instruments on Wall Street.

Organize a drip marketing system using postcards for your niche, Touch base with the Realtor/Agents that you exchange leads with, Edit your marketing material such as your fliers or tri-fold brochure, Review and evaluate the results of the niche you are promoting and marketing, Study and determine the results you're receiving from your mortgage advertising.

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