Friday, February 27, 2009

How To Get Scammed Investing In Oil

By Terry Stanfield

There is a significant potential for making quite a bit of money when you invest in oil exploration. We all know how much we need oil. We are all painfully aware of the fact that most of the oil used in the United States is imported from other countries. The need to tap into our domestic resources is greater than ever. And there is plenty of oil to be found in this country. The trick is to find the right company that will actually drill for it.

Unfortunately, because of the potential for high returns, there are many scams out there that are designed to cheat people based upon the hopes of a profit from an investment that is nothing short of a phony. Here are some ways that you can get scammed when you are seeking to invest in oil exploration:

Fall for the sure thing

There is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to any type of investment. Anyone who approaches you with such a proposition is trying to scam you. If the well is a sure thing and sure to net millions, why do they want your money? Most reputable companies will tell you that the drilling takes time, that there is a chance for a dry well and will not promise you a get rich quick scheme. Most of those who do make these promises are individuals who claim to have shares in wells. Beware of anyone who offers you a sure thing.

Deal with the middleman

Another way to get scammed when investing in the exploration for natural oil is to deal with a middleman. This person will usually offer to sell you shares of their well which is netting millions of dollars as they speak. Why would they want to give it to you? When you are trying to invest in oil exploration, deal with the company that is doing the drilling, not with someone who says that they have a share in a well. People who have shares in successful wells seldom offer them to strangers as they produce a steady cash flow.

Invest in a company no one has ever heard of

Investing in a company that no one has ever heard of and has no experience in drilling is another way to get scammed when you are investing in the exploration of oil. Anyone can set up a company that claims to be drilling and bilk investors out of money. Make sure that you know plenty about the company and verify their existence and expertise in the field before you fall for such a scam.

Invest in an overseas venture

Not only will you not be privy to tax benefits, but there are not the same set of laws with regard to fraud in other countries. If you are going to invest in oil exploration, do so on the domestic level so that you can not only be protected by laws governing such investments, but can also take advantage of the tax benefits.

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