Friday, February 27, 2009

How You Are Able To Get a Cheap Term Life Insurance Quote

By Ray Devine

You will probably want a term life insurance policy that will mean that you have a cushion to drop back on. Being confident that at the point where you pass away that they policy will pay out a sum of money to a loved one. Meaning that your family will be covered by the lump sum and that they will be able to cope after you have gone. Many different factors will affect the amount that you will have to pay each month and you will want to consider your: health, age, sex, weight and diet. Following the following simple tips will help you lower the cost of the policy and mean that you should walk away with a cheap term life insurance quote.

Don't be tempted to take out joint life insurance A couple who take out a joint life insurance policy will expect the premium to be cheaper- because if they both die the claim would only pay out the same amount as a single premium. Also, the price of taking out two separate policies is only slightly more expensive, and if the worst happens and both of you die, you will get twice the money you would then if you had a joint policy.

Change the lifestyle Changing your lifestyle can be positive for the price of your term life insurance policy, especially if you are a smoker. As a smoker who wants to take out a cheap term life insurance policy, then you should be ready to pay a far higher price than that of a non-smoker - who will be less prone to lung cancer and other diseases. The best course of action will be for you top give up smoking and will make a difference to the price of your premium once you have given it up for at least one year.

The same goes if you are overweight Insurers are more likely to charge higher premium rates to those who are obese, who again are more likely to develop related illnesses such as hear disease and cancer. By losing weight you are likely to cut your life insurance by a third. This change of lifestyle will not only benefit your wallet, but also your quality of life.

Change your diet In the past year, insurance providers have started to charge vegetarians up to 6% less on their policy than those who eat meat. Even if you are of a healthy weight, eating too much red meat is related to strokes, and general meat-eating is related to becoming overweight or obese. Vegetarians are on average more slim than meat-eaters, and are far more likely to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables in their diet, therefore are less likely to become obese. This may seem like an extreme change of lifestyle, but could prove to reduce your life insurance policy and better your health.

Sleep longer If you sleep only 4 or 5 hours a night then you should consider sleeping for the recommended 7 to 9 hours a night, and although this is hard to measure against your cheap term life insurance quotes, it will help lower other items on your medical and help your body rest and recover. Whilst also lowering your stress levels and day tiredness, you will feel more energetic and be a happier person.

Review your career Your job will be placed into a risk category by the term life insurance company and some jobs that create more stress than others will increase your monthly premium. Although changing your career can become a major factor in your life, it could help you lower your premium and, as studies have suggested, can help increase the amount of year that you will live.

If you are looking for a cheap term life insurance quote, the you should think carefully about changing some of the above tips; you will see a change in the price of term life insurance quotes that are presented to you and will have a happier life.

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