Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is Cheap Car Insurance After A DUI A Possibility?

By John Anderson

If you are reading this article, chances are you or someone you know has gotten a DUI or DWI. Now, the question really is, can you afford keeping or finding car insurance? There are many options available to you, but you must be prepared to pay more than before the DUI or DWI.

If you are tired of looking around for the cheap car insurance after your DWI or DUI, you might be in for a surprise. The main issue that you will encounter is that most car insurance companies won't want to insure you. This of course will depend upon your previous driving record and if there was an accident associated with the DUI or DWI.

When you have a DUI or DWI on your driving record, insurance companies will classify you as a high risk driver. This is just how the business of car insurance works. When you have a DUI or DWI on your record, it reflects a decision that put other people at risk. You might have even had an accident while driving under the influence.

One thing that you need to remember is to be honest about your history. When you are searching around for car insurance, you need to be upfront in order to make sure that the insurance company knows about the DUI or DWI. If they know up front and are willing to insure you, you are in luck.

The car insurance premium that you pay after your DUI/DWI will be higher than what you expected. You will be able to eventually lower your premium with no other incidents, but your previous driving history is also a factor. If your previous driving record was great, you might not pay as much. If your previous driving record has claims, speeding tickets or more, your rates will be even higher.

When you have a DUI/DWI conviction, you need to be honest with your insurance company. If you have a claim after a DUI/DWI conviction and have failed to notify the insurance company, expect to be dropped. As soon as you have a conviction on your record, you really should call your agent and explain the situation and see what will happen to your rates and policy coverage.

Not telling your car insurance company about your DUI or DWI will only hurt you in the long run. Why? Well, if you are searching for a new car insurance company and they find out after the fact of your DUI or DWI or previous claims, they can and will drop you. This will hurt you from finding another insurance company because of the problems this creates with classifying you as a high risk driver.

Finding cheap DUI or DWI car insurance will require some time and effort. Searching the internet or making phone calls to local agents is a good way to find the rates you can afford. Often times you can find more choices online and have car insurance quotes delivered right to your email address.

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