Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FAP Turbo - The Real Deal or Pure Hype?

By Dwayne Huff

FAP Turbo, which is short for Forex Auto Pilot Turbo, is a downloadable software program that helps you maximize your trading activity with Forex trading. If you have done any research on this product then you know that the best information comes from those who are using the product and not just from the engineers, they are trying to sell a product.

Those who purchase the FAP software will appreciate the clean cut approach in that you simply get what you pay for, rather that a multitude of sales pitches promising overnight wealth. We've all be heard such fables and that's exactly what FAP has avoided by supplying nothing apart from the software together with a 64 page manual which traders are advised to read through thoroughly. Sure you may not be the kind of person who enjoys reading piles of technical pages but then again, you never know what you may learn in the process.

Turn $370 into $3700 in as little as 30 days. Yes this is one of the claims made by FAP but then again, it's a very real claim which is related to real life experiences. Sure, such success was obtained with highly traded accounts but as long as they are real figures, why shouldn't they be allowed to be made public. After all, we all enjoy discussing our successful ventures.

As a trader, you really do need to know where you stand before attempting to set up your FAP Turbo software. Remember, if you don't familiarize yourself with the program first, you'll be risking loosing all your money and while you may think it's unlikely, this can easily happen if you go ahead and set your trading robot to trade higher than you're accustomed to. As with all trading, including that which is done via software, having a broker with similar parameters to you is always recommended.

One thing all traders need to be aware of is that when you trade at times when markets are experiencing much uncertainty, not all trades will be equally impressive. It's during these volatile periods that one should ideally set the FAP "Lot Risk Reductor" accordingly in order to minimize potential risk. Of course FAP Turbo will still continue trading for you but at least any possible losses will be minimal.

If you want an auto pilot trader or robot to make selections and trades for you then you will have to allow for some mistakes. Not every day will be stellar and its best to visit their on line forum to interact with other users of the FAP Turbo software. You can gain insight into ideas that you may not have thought about and what better way to get information from the people who are using it right along with you. Customer feedback rarely sees the light of day; its more often in the dead of the night. Take advantage of the daily information.

You also need to realize that the vast majority of traders who are making huge profits are in fact high risk traders. These people have been trading for ages and have gained the necessary experience so don't worry if you're only starting out and now and you're not wanting to play big. While your profits won't be massive, at least you'll be giving yourself time to become familiar with the software and as time passes, you'll find yourself willing to take slightly bigger risks.

Your first priority of course is to determine where you stand and once you've done that, and you've also set your FAP Turbo, you can sit back and enjoy trading without having to guess your way around.

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