Wednesday, February 4, 2009

family health insurance in California

By Jeff CLine

Equipping yourself with a basic information in regards to health coverage could save you from Financial ruin. It is not secret that the lack of health insurance could essentially ruin a person financially. The likelihood of landing in bankruptcy would be good. The State of California has a bountiful of options that would meet everyones needs.

There are HIPPA eligible plans that must be offered by carriers. This way the question of Am I eligible should not be in question. There are no regulations on insurers deciding on if someone is eligible, but due to HIPPA even those declined have options.

One thing that HIPPA does require is that you offer at least 2 plan options. These plans should have basic benefits in the least. HIPPA does not standardize these plans, for the most part the insurer gets to choose the plans. HIPPA does allow for the pre existing period. The general rule is 6-12 month waiting depending on the number of participants.

There are many regulations put on insurers. One area they have complete control over is premium. They can base it on what ever factors they see fit. The customary factors are age and health condition however. So if you are a health risk or older in age you should be prepared to pay a little more in premium then the average. Your location also tends to have a factor. They review health cost in areas.

Your coverage is protected once you have secured coverage. Regulations says the insurer must give you the opportunity to renew your policy each year regardless of you changing status. But the regulations also protects the insurer by allowing them to increase your premium accordingly

Besides the HIPPA guaranteed plans there are several other plan options you need to look into. There are several options carriers can provide. You have the HMO, PPO and the HSA to name a few. Some carriers even have some customized hybrid type plans.

If it is a benefit rich plan with low premiums you are searching for look no further then the HSA plan. If you are looking for a basic plan that has low deductibles and low co pays HMO may be the answer. If freedom is your thing a PPO plan is your best bet.

You no longer have to go without health insurance you have been given the tools here to find the plan that meets your specific needs. Too many people land in financial ruin for a lifetime just for the lack of health insurance coverage. Do not let this happen to you.

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