Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Car Insurance is important

By Jeff Cline

Driving a vehicle without any auto insurance can hurt your pocket book in numerous ways. On top of paying for damages occurred in an accident, you can be fined and even lose your license. Many states have laws requiring auto insurance. The State of Texas requires it before you can even register a vehicle.

Every State sets limitations on what type of coverage is a minimum. But it must pay for damage to property and medical. Texas law states a driver must carry at least 25/50/25 in liability coverage.

Basically, the limits somewhat protect your pocket book and the person that incurred the damages up to $25000 for bodily injury or death, $50000 for two people. They also require $50000 to protect damages done to property such as the other vehicle. They do not require Comprehensive coverage to protect oneself.

If you are found at fault the States minimum may not be enough. If the cost of damages are more than you have coverage for you are still responsible to pay. This is why many insurance companies recommend higher limits to eliminate this possibility for your protection.

You have the choose not to or to add comprehensive coverage to protect yourself in an at fault accident. If you have a lien holder that shares and interest in your vehicle, they may require you to carry comprehensive. So even though the State does not require it it is recommended.

How would you like to lose the privealege to driver? Do not follow your States requirement and your wish may be granted. Fines could be as much as $1000 depending on whether it is a 1st offense or 2nd or 3rd. You could have your car towed and that means even more money out of your pocket for fun.

The State of Texas has cracked down hard on uninsured motorist, making them pay a price just to keep their license. They have what is called a surcharge that a violator must pay for up to 3 years after the violation. The "surcharge" is very costly.

The State of Texas and many other States use a driver point system. this system is meant to punish bad drivers. Depending on you offense you are given points. These points add up over the years and could result in not only a license suspension, but much higher auto insurance rates. So stay smart and maintain your auto insurance!

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