Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prosperity 101

By Oc Remillard

Poverty is not our birthright. There is plenty of everything in the universe so that everyone can have more than enough. Plenty and happiness are the natural intentions of the Universe for us. Prosperity is nothing new in nature. Yet, somehow along the line, we have been taught that the veil of tears is what we deserve and should learn to expect.

It may seem rude and evil to think that the Universal Spirit obeys our commands but give it some thought. What if it was true? Could it be said that the condition of your present life reflects the conditions of your thoughts? Not till recently have researchers found that our subconscious is where all the creative action is and it is rotten with old, negative programming, most of which does not serve us well.

I will get what I fear. What I resist, persists. Usually, I am standing firmly in my own way.

As a society, we are torn between what the ads tell us we need to be acceptable, sexy, successful and all that and the actuality of our lives. If I create my reality, what about the wars and other horrors on the news? Those arent mine.

Your bank balance is a poor indicator of your personal happiness, isnt it? Whether you are rich or poor or in between, there is a great feeling of lack in most of us.

Yes, you are not alone. Most people would give a lot to be in someone elses shoes. The grass truly does seem greener.

There is plenty of activity out there regarding this new movement in thought. Pursue it. You will come to understand that nothing can stand in the way of your manifesting the life you want except those circumstances, places, things and people that YOU allow in (or that you allow in unconsciously!). Master this concept and the world is yours.

What is the hardest to grasp is that we are our own worse enemies. We try to get better, to accomplish more yet we seem to make little headway. The problem is that one part of us wants this and that but, the real power belongs to deeper consciousness which is saying no to most requests because its programs tell it to.

Like with any other powerful laws like the laws governing electricity, you will suffer an abundance of negative results if you dont obey them.

The new age of business seems to be upon us. Prosperity seems to be defined by how much junk we can accumulate. Profit at all costs was the order of the day. Enron, Iraq and famines. The list of calamities seems endless. Now, most investments, the result of long, grinding hours of working and saving are worth a fraction of what they were a year ago.

As long as I rely on others for my prosperity, I will be at the mercy of whatever whim the world takes. Once I have mastered the art of creation in my life, nothing can stand in the way of my success and happiness.

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