Friday, January 30, 2009

Is COBRA my only option?

By Jeff Cline

The sad news of the skyrocketing unemployment rates are a real eye opner. We are suprised every day by the large corporations laying off. Financial forcasts are bleak and scary. It is difficult times for many. If the financial crunch has not hit our home, it has hot someone we know.

People are finding themselves going for extended periods of time with out employment. There are thousands looking for the same job. These extended periods of time means or health insurance is at risk. There are options so we must seek those out.

When we lose our job we are forced to make changes to our budget. Many times this means making cuts. Many look at health insurance as disposable and cancel their policies to save money. This can be a costly mistake! Health insurance is not a luxery, it is a necessity.

I hear the horrible stories too many times about those who went uninsured. They thought, they are healthy or it is just for a short time. No one can predict an accident or illness. What if you had such an accident or illness that landed you in the hospital. Can you afford a $50,000 hospital bill?

When you are laid off you are often offered COBRA. This continuation insurance your ex employer offers is often time way out of your budget. It is often triple what you use to pay as an employee. After your employer deducts their share and you get admin fees added on it can be pricey!

Many major carriers offer other options. Those same carriers that supply insurance to the employers offer individual insurance also. You can choose the plan that best meets your budget and your expectations.

You must keep in mind your health condition. If you have a health condition that you need your health insurance to cover, you may want to find a way to stick with COBRA. COBRA is the only option that is going to cover. So even though it is expensive, it may save you tons if your prescriptions are $1000 a month.

Individual health insurance often makes a good alternative to COBRA. However, you must weigh your optins to find the best solution. You may also look into temporary health insurance for a temporary coverage as well.

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