Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jumbo Mortgage Loans

By Sarah Turner

If you want to purchase a home, you will more than likely have to take out a mortgage loan to cover the cost of the house. Every mortgage has basic terms and guidelines. However, if you want to purchase a home that is considered a high priced home, there are different rules that apply to the mortgage. This type of mortgage is called a jumbo mortgage.

There is a great deal more risk for the lender when they issue this type of loan. Most of the homes that fall into this high priced category are considered high-end luxury homes. Obviously, these types of homes are large, beautiful, and sometimes extravagant. Because of this, they are often harder to resell. Many people looking to spend that kind of money on a home are looking to customize their own home, and not necessarily buy one that was already designed and built.

Since the homes are harder to sell, banks know that if the owner defaults on the loan, there isn't much of likelihood that they'll be able to sell the home, even in foreclosure. Since banks know these homes are high risk homes to finance, banks only offer the mortgages with specific guidelines.

Clearly, the larger and more expensive homes are chancy for banks to finance. So why do banks still consider issuing these types of mortgages helping people buy expensive homes? Banks make it worth their while by issuing the loans only after the borrower has put down a large down payment.

The second way banks absorb some of the risk is by attaching high interest rates to the mortgage. This allows the bank to make more money in the short and long run of the loan. This also makes the monthly mortgage payment a lot higher as well so the homes are quite costly to the borrower.

The final way banks try to absorb some of the risk of the loan by making money is to attach high closing costs to the mortgage. Usually, closing costs are a percentage of the price of the home, so naturally, a high priced home is going to have higher closing costs.

The amount of the loan is high which means they are already making money, but with a higher interest rate, they make even more money. The closing costs are also elevated. This all translates to more money for the lender.

Jumbo mortgages are extremely expensive. If you want to purchase a high-end luxury home, unless you have the cash to buy the home on your own, you will have to borrow money from a bank to finance the home.

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