Friday, January 23, 2009

Alabama Home Owners Insurance -- Four Sure-Fire Tips For Savings

By Chimezirim Odimba

Contrary to what you might have thought, it is quite easy to position yourself for an affordable Alabama home owner insurance rate. Here are a few tips that will help you achieve this goal...

1. It's more expensive and needless to insure the land on which your home is built. A good number of folks spend much more than they should on Alabama homeowner insurance due to this mistake. You have made same mistake if you insured your home for the cost you bought it without finding out the cost of the land it is standing on and subtracting it.

For those who have ignorantly done this, call your agent and check your Alabama home owners insurance coverage again. Subtract the land's price and you will discover that you will need far less coverage.

With such a review you will reduce your rates by a huge margin and still have enough home insurance coverage. Since insurance is for things that can be lost or damaged, insuring the land which can neither get lost or damaged isn't a smart move.

2. Your rate is influenced by your credit rating. You'll attract higher Alabama homeowners insurance rates if you have a poor credit rating. A bad credit rating suggests that you have not been paying your bills in a timely fashion. An insurer interprets this to mean that you are not financially very responsible and will possibly default in paying your rates. This makes you a bigger risk and therefore attracts a higher rate.

It will, therefore, be a smart step to do something about improving your credit rating. It makes it easier for you to attract more affordable rates among other things.

3. Making your premium payments once every year will save you much when compared to monthly payments. This is because posting 12 bills by mail each month costs your insurance company much.

The cost shoots up if you include the fact that they pay transaction fees for processing each check you send them monthly. They pay transaction fees 12 times instead of once anually for monthly premiums. And, if you really come to think of it, these additional costs are eventually built into your rates.

You will make reasonable savings if you begin to pay annually. The actual amount you could save may differ but you may be able to save up to a month's premium worth with some insurance companies if you settle for this option.

4. Make out some time to visit a minimum of 5 insurance quotes sites that offer quotes on Alabama home owner insurance policies. This will require around 25 minutes. As you visit each quotes site, ensure you input the same details. Doing otherwise will produce misleading quotes. When you've received your Alabama home insurance quotes, compare them to see which serves your interest best in price/value.

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