Saturday, January 31, 2009

Detecting Fraud On The Web When Getting Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

When most people think of fraud, they generally think of credit card or identity fraud, They do not realize that one of the fastest growing forms of fraud today is health insurance fraud. Because you provide personal information when applying for health insurance online, it makes you more vulnerable to fraud. As with any online purchase, you need to use simple, common sense safety precautions, especially because of the amount of personal information shared.

It's easy for them to put up a website and set up shop online. Anyone can say that they have a valid heath insurance company online. When looking for health insurance in Texas, this should be taken very seriously. There are too many people that get duped because they believe everything they see and hear.

So, if you are in the market for health insurance in Texas, you need to be able to recognize fraudulent sites as you shop. This can be difficult as there are multiple scams waiting to take the money of unsuspecting visitors. One of the more common of these is the pyramid scheme that not only offers to sell you insurance but tells you you can make money selling it to others. This is not how legitimate insurers sell their products and should be avoided. If you do make the bad decision to become a "member" in one of these schemes, you will not be insured. The fee you were assessed is a membership fee that allows you to begin selling the insurance to others. Any medical service "discounts" offered by these scams are also worthless as they will not be honored by any reputable service provider.

To recoup your investment, you would need to participate in the unethical (and illegal) practice of selling worthless insurance plans to other unsuspecting individuals. Because health insurance in Texas is big business and so expensive it will unfortunately not be difficult to find people looking for a good deal and ripe for the picking for this particular scam.

Another popular scam leads you to believe you are purchasing a regular health insurance plan in Texas. They advertise the lowest rates around and draw you in with false promises. As soon as you try to submit a claim you find out that you don't have any insurance at all.

There are other scams where people get duped easily. There are people that set up bogus companies only for the "owners" to take the money and run. There are others where an agent advertises online to get business and find out that it's just another scam.

One of the biggest frauds regarding getting health insurance in Texas is about selling insurance when an agent isn't authorized to do so. According to state law, the insurance company and the agent must have a valid license to sell health insurance in Texas. If it's found out that they are not licensed, they cannot legally sell anyone any type of insurance in the state. Not only that, your insurance claims may not be paid and you would be duped out of money that you paid on health insurance premiums. If you suspect fraud or scams while looking to get health insurance, then report it to your local or state fraud agency.

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Forex Trading Mistakes

By forexmistakes

The smallest mistake or miscalculation can end up resulting in either a massive gain or a horrible loss when it comes to currency trading. The experts will all attest that though there are several books and strategies on the currency market there is always going to be the unexpected. So how can we avoid ourselves from making costly mistakes when Forex Trading.

So we will explore the major mistakes and give some helpful information on how to avoid these situations in the future. The major mistakes that most beginner forex traders will make is when there is too much capital but too little chance of making profit. With a small account balance backed by hope that things will be in your favour, you can just as easily lose more than you can afford to. This market is, as you should know by now, not ruled by emotions or luck, although there are rare instances wherein others do strike a gold mine.

Remember when it comes to forex trading a golden rule is not to take a gamble, but a calculated risk instead. We should only trade when the odds are in our favor.

The biggest mistake a Forex Trader can make is over trading, thinking that they have to continually trade. Most beginner traders will wrongly assume that the outcome of a trade can entice them to invest too much of their capital and then losing it all in one trade. This can also result in them becoming in debt.

Failing to plan the trade can result in poor execution and major losses. Before you begin to trade you must make sure that you have plan- then trade the plan without a plan you are planning to fail without knowing it. You also must understand what sort of trader you are, short term, medium term or long term whatever you decide to be stick to your rules and trading plan.

The fastest way to become a successful trader is learning, and in most cases learning from other peoples mistakes. In order to do this you must be prepared to educate yourself to become a better trader.

For more education lessons feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORT they specialize in educating traders, helping them find the Best Forex Brokerand helping traders achieve their trading goals.

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Short Term Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

Insurance that you only purchase to cover you for a short length of time is called short term or temporary health insurance. It allows you to choose the length of time based on how long you may need coverage. Typically that would be 1-12 months.

It is good for consumers who will be having a gap in coverage due to a loss or change in job. It will cover and unforeseen illness or accident during this time. It usually requires you to o meet a deductible at which time coverage will begin.

The main reason for short term is to cover things such as in and outpatient hospitalization and surgeries. It would pay surgeon fees, room and board and equipment. It would cover the hospital stay and related expenses. just incase an unexpected illness occurred.

You would not expect it to cover routine office visits or prescriptions meds. Any of these cost you would expect to pay out of pocket. If you had labs or x-rays for a minor illness or occurring from an office visit you would likely to pay for that as well.

It is not uncommon for consumers to purchase these plans to replace expensive Cobras plans or temporarily while the carrier is underwriting a long term traditional plan. Sometimes the underwriting takes 6 or more weeks and they find it necessary to obtain something temporary.

You may pay a per day rate or per month. Some carriers expect you to pay for the whole term versus month to month. However, you can find a variance in options as you shop carriers for rates.

Traditional plans have a long enrollment process. With short term they are quick and easy. Enrollment usually takes 5-10 minutes and in many cases approved right away. You could be covered as soon as the next day.

If you choose one of these plans do not stress about the terms. If you are uncertain you can usually reapply and start a new term at least once a year. So if you need to extend your original 6 months to 6 more that is not a problem.

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Mortgage Refinance Has Lenders Overwhelmed

By Monique M. Zidan

The surge of borrowers looking for Mortgage Refinance has created somewhat of a phenomenon during uncertain economic times. Mortgage rates have dropped below 6% after the Federal Reserve announced its plan to buy mortgage-backed securities to loosen the tight hold on consumer lending.

The Government has initiated buying the mortgage-backed securities as of this week and has reduced rates further. This has contributed even more to the mortgage finance business and has added to the struggle lenders are currently experiencing not long after the financial downturn forced lenders through a layoff period.

Some contacting lenders for mortgage refinance have been unsuccessful in speaking to anyone directly. And with some left only with the option of leaving a message for a return call, this has frustrated consumers even more as they are unable to simply leave a message as lender mailboxes and voicemail are unable to support the volume of callers.

Other department employees experienced in finance within the lending institutions have been temporarily transplanted to handle the increasing mortgage refinance applications. The anticipation of rates climbing and back to their previous position has created a sense of urgency in people looking to refinance. It is possible to see change from hour to hour after tracking the history of rates over the past years so the concern is understandable.

Lenders are pulling staff from other departments to handle the demand for mortgage refinance. Consumers are worried about the possibility of rates going back up before they can lock in. The history of fluctuating rates proves there is great chance this could happen as it is possible it can change from one hour to the next.

When a consumer is told it could be two weeks before they can get back to you about mortgage refinance, I believe the best advice to give in this situation would be to contact as many lenders as it takes. Be in touch with someone that can actually get to the point of locking in the rate quicker than the rest, without compromising everything else that encompasses processing the loan.

As the refinance business continues to see growth, it would be wise to seek out a lender that will be able to process the application right away and not have get through other applications while you wait for a couple of weeks before they can get to it. Some customers are told to fill out the form or application on the lender's website for a mortgage refinance.

Any connections directly related to the lending industry or connections with a real estate agent that can act as a liaison to help deal with a mortgage refinance will help greatly. There is a strong possibility some lenders may not reply to the message or to an online application. With business presently looking up for lenders, it would be smart to secure that magic number by not waiting around for the lender to respond.

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Are you trading for the Loss

By singapore trader reports

This is one of the most important aspects of trading, and is pivotal in helping to protect your capital. A stop loss is an order to buy (or sell) a security/contract once the price of the security climbed above (or dropped below) a specified set price or stop price. Once this specific stop price is hit, the stop order is then triggered as a market order (no limit) or a limit order (fixed or pre-determined price).

One the key points to using a stop order is that you don't have to actively monitor how a stock is performing. This can allow you to do other things instead of being forced to monitor the trade. However because the order is triggered automatically when the stop price is reached, the stop price could be activated by a short-term fluctuation in a security's price, caused through lack of liquidity or other. Once the stop price is reached, the stop order becomes a market order or a limit order and you will be exited from this trade.

Especially when trading in a fast-moving volatile market, the price at which the trade is executed may be significantly different from the stop price in the case of a market order. Alternatively in the case of a limit order the trade may or may not get executed at all. This happens when there are no buyers or sellers available at the limit price.


Stop Loss Limit Order

The stop loss limit order is an order to buy a security at at no more or less than you set the specific prize at. This allows you the trader some control over the price at which the trade is going to be executed at, but this may prevent the order from being executed at. A stop loss limit order can only be executed by the exchange at the limit price or lower than you have set it at. Meaning that if the stock was to open up in the morning and 'gap down' below the prize that you set the Stop Loss Limit Order would be triggered and then enter or exit you from that particular trade that you set the price on.

What are the key advantages and disadvantages of the stop loss limit order?

ADVANTAGES of a stop loss limit order is that the trader has full control over the price at which the order is executed at, as you set the order.

DISADVANTAGES of using the stop loss limit order is that in a fast moving volatile market your stop loss order may not get executed if there are no buyers/sellers at the limit price due to rare circumstances or when a stock or trade can be illiquid.

Stop Loss Market Order

The stop loss market order is when you place an order to buy (or sell) a security or contract once the price of the security climbed above (or dropped below) a specified stop price. When the set stop price is reached, the stop order is entered as a market order (no limit). In simple terms when a stop loss market order is a order to buy or sell a security at the current market price prevailing at the time the stop order is going to trigger the order. This particular type of stop loss order gives the trader no control over the price at which the trade will be executed. This is an order to sell at the best available price after the price goes below the stop price. A sell stop price is always below the current market price. If for example you buy a stock at $1 and the set the stop at $0.90 and the price was to trade next at $0.88 then you be exited from this trade at the $0.88 A major advantage of this is that you can limit the particular loss of the trade. The main disadvantage of the stop loss market is that the trader has no control over the price at which the transaction is executed at if it is below the set price they put.

The use of stop loss orders is a great insurance policy that cost you nothing and can save you a fortune. Unless you plan to hold a stock forever, you should always use stop losses.

Happy Trading

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What You Want to Ask Yourself Before You Remortgage

By Troy Cruz William Engle Dawn Khoury James Nissen Robert Hill Chris Laning Janet Taylor Jack Enders Bruce Gross Rick Bean Keith Wood Ray Johnson Alex Velez Juan Hines Paul Holtz Kenya Rios Peggy Dye Neal Dawes Lucas King David Hebert Karl Howell Jarrod Lucky Ruth Coats Doris Lund Ryan Hudson Henry Bush Lonnie May Arlen Bell Wanda Kuebler Kevin Stiles Nick Horton Jorge Pina Frank Vera Fred Brod Jose Cruz Jeremy Stanley Mark Jones Kelly McMahon Barney Bernard Ailleann Alan

If you are thinking about remortgaging your house, you are probably wondering whether or not it's the right move for you. A lot of times, remortgaging is not necessary, and other times it's totally necessary if you want to save your house and not go broke in these tough financial times. After answering these ten questions, you are going to know whether or not remortgaging is right for you.

1. How does my credit look? Knowing whether or not your credit is good is going to tell you a lot about your future interest rate if you do decide to remortgage. When your credit has seen better days, you may want to work on that before working on remortgaging.

2. What is the interest rate on your current mortgage? If a mortgage is not going to save you that much money, you might want to wait a while longer. It's a difficult process, so you want to make sure that it is worth it and that you will save the most money possible. If you wait, you can always see if the interest rates drop even more.

3. What's the interest rate now? Before taking the plunge and remortgaging, you are going to want to see exactly how much money you are going to be able to save every month.

4. What are the fees associated with remortgaging? Every company is going to have different fees for remortgaging, and you want to choose a company with the lowest fees. However, sometimes the fees can be hidden so make sure to read the contract thoroughly.

5. How many years are left on your current mortgage? If there are only a handful of years left on your current mortgage, you might just want to pay it off as soon as possible. Ask yourself what is better: paying off your home quickly or paying it off with a lower interest rate. By remortgaging, you won't be able to pay your house off quicker, just with less interest.

6. Is a move in your future? If you plan on moving any time in the distant future, a remortgage is probably not the wisest of moves. Keep your current mortgage and get a better deal when you buy your next house.

7. Do you love your wife? If the answer is "no" and divorce is in the cards, you might want to wait to remortgage. Remortgaging is difficult to do and is going to be expensive too, so you don't want to do it more often than necessary. Remortgaging should be done only if you have to.

8. Have you been thinking about remortgaging for very long? A lot of people see commercials on television and think, "Oh remortgaging is for me," not realizing how much work it actually is.

9. Is your schedule clear? Remortgaging is a headache and is going to eat away at your free time. If your schedule isn't clear, choose a different time to remortgage.

10. What do the banks say? There is usually no obligation in going and talking to banks, so you might want to see whether or not testing the water and talking to a couple of banks is going to benefit you. You may decide after talking to a couple of banks that remortgaging is not for you and that is totally fine.

Remortgaging your house is not a simple thing, and knowing when you should and shouldn't do it is going to be tricky. These ten questions can help you decide whether or not you need to remortgage.

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Home Insurance Quote -- Actions For Lower Rates

By Chimezirim Odimba

There are a number of ways to cheaper homeowners insurance. But at the same time, a number of methods folks employ in order to cut cost generally make them get less than adequate coverage. But in this article, I'll share several proven ways of paying less and at the same time have sufficient coverage. Here they are...

1. If you want to save much: Insuring your home against every peril is NOT actually a need. The probability of certain perils in your location is too low to make buying coverage for them a real need. Different states have perils that have high chances of occuring and those that are almost impossible.

Make sure your home has coverage against all perils that have a reasonable chance of happening. At the same time, you may just be burning your hard-earned cash if you buy coverage for a peril that has never happened in your state's past records. Review your coverage and keep coverage only the right losses. This will help you pay only the right amount you should.

2. The material you use in building your home goes a long way in affecting your home insurance rate. Frame homes are more resistant to earthquakes while brick homes are more resistant to high winds. Therefore, if you reside in the East, you'll attract more affordable premiums if you own a brick house. But if you reside in the West, a frame house will save you considerably. Expect to save a minimum of 5% if you opt for a house with the recommended material.

3. Your claims in time past has an effect on an insurers perception of your home's risk. Making too many claims will result in your home being viewed as a bigger risk than it really is. You'll attract a higher premium as a result of this bigger risk impression.

Therefore, if it is something you can handle with relative ease, do NOT make a claim. It will do your home insurance rates a world of good.

4. Do your best to have fire extinguishers at important points in your home. For example, your kitchen must have a good and functioning fire extinguisher. It's important that the fire extinguisher be adequate for the place it is supposed to protect.

Make sure they are within easy reach and ensure they are working well. Doing this will help you reduce your premiums.

5. While obtaining low rates should excite you, you should be more concerned about an insurance company's rating. Few things can be worse than realizing that you paid premiums diligently to the wrong insurance provider only when you make a claim. It is very important that you spend time to first check with your state's department of insurance website or its equivalent. Check if your chosen insurer is licensed to offer home insurance in your state.

You can as well get useful information about an insurer from independent organizations like BBB, A.M Best Company, Phelps, Inc., Standard & Poor's Insurance Rating Services, Moody's Investor Services, Inc.

But before you do this...

You can save more by visiting at least 5 home insurance quotes sites. If you do this, you will be able to get the lowest quotes available as five sites will give not less than 25 quotes altogether.

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How to Trade Commodity Futures

By Taipan Trader

To trade commodity futures well is not an easy task.

An old commodity broker friend who was only half joking once told me that if you are thinking that it is a good idea to trade commodity futures you should have a nice glass of wine, go to bed, and take a long nap until the urge has disappeared. For most people who want to jump into the frenzied world of commodity trading that would be good advice.

However, for those who take the time to learn as much as they can about the commodity trading business before trading real money there is the possibility of starting out with a modest amount of risk capital and trading your way to a fortune. It is important to realize that you will be competing against some very smart, well informed individuals who will be pleased to take your money, so be sure to be up for the action before getting started.

It is also important to know that you will never have complete information about any market and that the outcome of each commodity trade can not be known with certainty in advance. While it is important to know as much as possible you must be able to operate knowing that you will never know everything. If you are unable to pull the trading trigger when your trading system indicates a favorable trade is being offered you had best give up commodity trading right now. Since commodity markets can and sometimes do move at blinding speed even tiny delays in executing trades can be fatal to your results.

You just may be lucky for a short while when trading against aggressive seasoned commodity traders but probably your luck will soon turn into financial grief. So beware. Don't be in a hurry to start trading before you at least have put together a trading plan and have decided how much capital you are willing to put at risk. Many brokerage firms offer a demo trading account so that you can put your trading skills to the test without risking real money. For many potential traders opening and trading a demo account is a good way to start.

There is another very important item that you must decide upon before starting to trade commodity futures. You must choose a commodity brokerage firm. You may also wish to select a commodity broker although these Internet days you may decide to trade online in a self directed account using a trading platform provided by your brokerage firm. You must do your homework to insure that the brokerage firm that you are dealing with is not running a scam.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) offers guidelines to help you with your home work. Before opening an account you should visit the CFTC website. The CFTC will not assist you to make winning trades but they can help you with your commodity trading education which may very well help to get you started in the right way.

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Travel Insurance - Do Not Travel Without it

By Billy Pace

Like many Canadians, I have always taken government-funded medical care for granted. So when a bunch of us decided to go to Spring Break in Tampa a few years ago, my only concern was to buy sunscreen and condoms. Overlooking medical travel insurance was a mistake.

Several alcohol fueled days later, I awoke in a hospital room. I thought that I was in agony when I woke up. I had a cast on my left leg, hurt everywhere and discovered when I tried to sit up that several of my ribs had been broken. From what I have managed to piece together from my friends, I had a pretty bad parasailing accident and had had to be rushed to emergency. I was bummed out about my trip being ruined, but when I got home things got much worse. I took my hospital bill from America into a government office and tried to get them to pay. No, we're sorry, but since you received out-of-county care we are not responsible for these costs. What! Where was I, a starving college kid going to come up with $15, 000?

This is why; I'll never go abroad without travel insurance again. Look after yourself, its bad enough that you've gotten hurt - do you really want to be buried in debt too?

It's not even like travel insurance is all that expensive. You can acquire a cheap plan for under $40. Just be sure that the plan is tailored to your specific needs.

A basic plan may be fine if you are taking a guided tour of a foreign land, but if you are planning on going on an adventure expedition you may not be fully safe-guarded. It is therefore, very important to make a list of all the things you THINK you might do while on vacation. This way you can custom tailor a plan that will protect you should something go wrong.

I know it's a drag, but take the time to read the fine print on your insurance policy. This is a contract that you are signing, and it was designed to protect the insurance company, not you. Make sure that you fully understand what your responsibilities and liabilities are. Do not sign until all of your questions have been answered and you are comfortable.

Other than medical costs, you will want to be covered against loss/theft of items. This will protect you if the airline loses your luggage or against been pick pocketed in the streets of Rome. A lot of people seem to neglect this, but think about how you're going to get home if you lose your ticket or pass port. What will you do if you have no money and your credit cards are in the hands of a thief?

I hope that you never go through what I did, but heed my advice. Insurance can be seen as a necessary expense; pay a little upfront to not pay a lot on the back end. And remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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Avoid Company Car Insurance Claims Being Repudiated

By Harvey Williams

There was a time many years ago when a company could be paid out on an insurance claim for no reason, other than for being a good and loyal client to the insurance company. Whilst it is possible that even today an insurance company could make a commercial decision when considering a claim from a very large client, many companies are at risk of having claims repudiated.

Although it is not widely known, most contract hire companies have a form of fall back insurance for their contract hire vehicles; this can covers them if the hirer has an accident and their insurer refuses to pay out. Of course the contract hire company will then hold the hirer liable for any loss, but on occasions the hirer is a limited company that subsequently goes into liquidation. If there are no personal guarantees in place then the contract hire company has no means of recovering its money other than to claim on their own insurance. Nowadays contract hire companies are seeing an increasing number of cases where claims are being repudiated. The more serious the accident, the more closely the insurance company will investigate a claim. After all they have to look after their shareholders interests, paying claims where the insurer or driver have not complied with the terms and conditions of the insurance, is not looking after the shareholders interests.

Most insurance company's terms and conditions state that the vehicle must comply with the manufacturer's specifications, so the vehicle must not be modified in any way without informing the insurance company. That is why it is advisable to always fit the manufacturers recommended tyres. Employees should be told that under no circumstance should there be any modification made to the engine of their company car. It is not unheard of for employees to have the engine of their company vehicle "chipped" this is a process that changes the way the engine control unit manages the engine and increases the brake horsepower of the vehicle. This would give an insurance company a very good reason to refuse to pay out on a claim, if the vehicle is involved in an accident. In any event it will invalidate the vehicle's warranty.

The vehicle must also be roadworthy to comply with the insurance company's terms and conditions. Contract hire vehicles, as most company car are nowadays, are generally relatively new and regularly serviced. If however a company runs its own vehicles and keeps them for perhaps four or five years, then the condition of the cars needs to be monitored more closely, particularly if they are doing high mileage.

Of course it is not only the lack of maintenance that can cause a vehicle un roadworthy; depending on the circumstances of an accident, having the wrong tyre pressure, where the tyres are unevenly, over or under inflated could cause the insurance company to deem the vehicle to be in an un roadworthy condition. Incorrect tyre pressure can affect road holding, steering, braking and the overall handling of a vehicle and in an accident can often be a contributory factor, particularly in wet conditions. If a vehicle is involved in an accident, it is not unusual for the insurance company to check that the car is roadworthy; it is in their interests to do so. Of course if the circumstances of the accident were such that it is clear that the accident has been caused by another vehicle, this would not be a factor.

If the circumstances of the accident were different, if say your employee's vehicle skidded and crashed into another vehicle or failed to negotiate a bend and crashed, then it is quite possible that the insurer will carry out various checks on the vehicle, to ensure that it was roadworthy. Driving with the incorrect tyre pressure can be very dangerous; it can affect braking, steering, road holding and the general stability of the car. Employee's need to be advised that they must check their tyre pressure on a regular basis, tyres are best checked when they are cold. The incorrect tyre pressure apart from the increased risk of having an accident will also significantly increase your overall fuel bill.

It is also important that tyre wear is regularly monitored to ensure that tyres do not go below the legal limit; with servicing intervals at 18,000 miles and more, one cannot rely on being advised during servicing, that it is necessary to consider changing tyres. Having tyres that are below the legal limit is not maintaining a car in a roadworthy condition. Sometimes only part of the tyre is worn; running the car with the incorrect tyre pressure can cause this.

Many company bosses seem unaware or unconcerned, of the risks posed by of a company car being uninsured due to employees driving whilst in excess of the legal alcohol limit, Insurance companies are able to refuse to pay out on a claim, if the driver is under the influence of alcohol. In spite of all the evidence as to how alcohol affects psychomotor skills, there are a hard core of offenders who believe that this does not apply to them and that their years of drinking and driving has allowed them to master driving whilst drunk. There is some evidence to suggest that this not so much the younger driver but often men in their 50's. 19% of car accidents that result in a death are believed to involve alcohol. Sadly the death is often not the drunk driver but an innocent pedestrian, another motorist or sometimes children. Employers that make it very clear to their employees that they can be instantly dismissed if they drink and drive are not only helping to avoid the company car being involved in an accident without insurance cover but possibly also saving a life.

The position is essentially the same if the employee is driving the company vehicle, whilst under the effects of drugs. Even if an employee is taking a prescription drug rather than recreational drugs, this could affect their ability to drive in a safe manner. Following new legislation, effective from April 2008, it is the company's responsibility to ensure that their employees are safe and this includes, whilst driving on company business

Another risk is when the insurance company believe that a loss has been caused by negligence on the part of the driver. An example of this would be where an employee has left his car, either on the drive or in the road, with the engine running; many do this in the winter so that when they get into the car, it is already heated up. If an employee does this, or leaves the keys in the car when at the petrol station and an opportunistic thief jumps in and drives off, the insurance company is unlikely to pay out.

There are employers that have never checked their employee's driving licences, relying instead on a copy provided by the member of staff. Some photocopy the original and feel that this is satisfactory. Not considering the possibility that whilst in their employment the employee could be convicted for drunk driving and continue driving whilst disqualified. In the event of an accident it is inconceivable that the insurance company would be prepared to meet the claim. New legislation introduced in April 2008, makes the employers responsibility for the safety of their employees and others, including whilst the employee is driving on company business; if there were a death the employers could find themselves prosecuted.

If a company uses a contract hire broker to source their vehicles they could arrange for the broker to regularly check the employee's driving licences; a licence checking service is offered by the more established contract hire and leasing brokers. This is the only way that a company can be sure an employee not been convicted of offences that they are unaware of and cause their insurance to be invalidated. This will also help them to avoid being prosecuted under new legislation introduced in April 2008.

If an insurer rejects a claim and the insured feels that the insurance company is unjustified, the case can be taken to The Financial Ombudsman. There have been many claims that insurance companies have refused to pay that the Financial Ombudsman has ruled should be paid, unfortunately many claimants just accept the insurance company's decision. A client of ours had his car stolen in a carjacking incident, the insurers refused to settle the claim for the Mercedes Benz, valued at more that 60,000. They told the client that they had repeatedly written to him advising him that he must fit tracker to the car, which he had failed to do. However when it was pointed out to the insurance company, following legal advise, that they had not told the client that he would no longer covered in the event of theft, the insurance company settled the claim in full.

The following may help to prevent a claim from being declined by an insurer; company cars should be maintained regularly and tyre pressures need to be measured frequently to ensure pressures are correct and wear is even. It should be made clear to employees that they must not modify their car in any way and that they should not ignore any warning lights that show up. It can help to reduce drink driving amongst employees if they understand that they are likely to loose their job as well as their driving licence, if caught. They should also be advised of the risks of driving if taking any form of drugs, including some prescription drugs. Make employees aware that if they leave the car with the engine running there is a very real risk of it being stolen. Also using a contract hire and leasing broker to check employees driving licences, will avoid the risk of employees driving with undeclared convictions, or whilst disqualified.

Very often when motor insurance claims are declined, the insurer claims that the driver has been negligent. Some employers, perhaps with justification, worry that company car drivers are more prone to be negligent with the company car than they would perhaps with their own vehicle. It seems that negligence is a factor in accident claims not being paid, throughout the world; following an accident in America the insurer refused to pay a claim for accident that happened when the owner of a new motorhome thought the vehicle would drive itself after he had switched to cruise control. This did not stop him taking legal action against the manufacturer of the motorhome claiming that they should have told him that cruise control didn't encompass steering, braking and knowing where to go etc. Common sense does not appear to be a factor in the American legal system; he won his case.

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Forex Broker- Are you using the Best

By Forex Broker are massive business they all make statements that they will make you gains but the fact is they most lose your money. So if you want to find a WINNING BROKER here are 4 tips enclosed.

Forex Broker are massive business they all make statements that they will make you gains but the fact is they most lose your money. So if you want to find a WINNING BROKER here are 4 tips enclosed.

Let's start with the most obvious question to ask of any Forex Broker

1. What is the Track Record is it Real or a Back Test Simulated?

Most Forex Broker have never made any money and rely on past result simulations on paper and of course this is easy, they are hindsight traders! Others present what they claim are real track records but these track records are not independently verified, so just forget about them and keep looking around.

So only go with truly tested independent audited results. If you do check this it will eliminate over 95% of them.

2. What is the history of the designer or Broker?

This will give you a good insight to the reliability. If you are going with a program be aware or beware that most are not designed by traders, and they don't at times have the real understanding of the markets.

3. Do they disclose all the rules?

If it is a black box system, don't bother, if they are so good would someone really sell it? If you have a great money making guaranteed machine would you sell it online or would you just keep raising the stakes and make all the money yourself. Guess how most black box makers make their money, you guessed it selling it. Not from the Market. IF you are looking for a great Broker feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORTthey have recently researched all the brokers and have found what they believe to be the best. If you are looking for extra educational lessons they have a lot for you to learn from.

4. What support is on offer?

Before getting involved ask what support you are given. It is real time, is it quick and honest.

About the Author:

Ditch the Credit Cards

By William Blake

Today credit cards are all the rage. Everyone has one. No one pays cash for anything anymore. Some people don't even carry cash. Charging is the way to go. And the result? A lot of people drowning in credit card debt. The solution? Try using cash for a change.

Did you know that some credit cards carry an interest rate as high as twenty-nine percent? You wouldn't want an interest rate that large on your home or car, so why settle for it on your credit cards? For those credit card companies that offer a super low interest rate at the beginning, if you miss one payment, the interest rate jumps up to around a whopping eighteen percent or more. Read the fine print.

Credit cards are a way of establishing credit. Purchasing items and making payments on time lets potential credit lenders know that you are an acceptable risk for them. Good credit helps people to qualify for low interest loans on houses, cars, and furniture.

However, compounding interest makes credit card use a dangerous game. You need to be careful because before you know you it can rack up huge debts on multiple credit cards and they will just keep mounding month to month. It becomes a vicious cycle.

It may seem easy to buy everything on credit. But if you are buying things that will no longer have when it comes time to pay for the purchase what sense does that make. How ridiculous if you charged a meal on your credit card three months ago and you are still paying on it, plus interest. That food has been long gone and you are still in debt because of it.

An emergency card is good to have. It is very useful when the unexpected happens and there is no disposable cash to take care of it. So it is not necessary to ban all credit card use.

So pick the one with the lowest interest rate, pay the others off and cut them up. Close your accounts and don't let the credit card companies talk you out of it. They are the only ones that stand to gain from you having multiple credit cards and mountains of credit card debt.

Before there was plastic, people used to pay with cash. Remember cash? If people didn't have enough money, they waited until they did. We all could take a page from their book. People are too comfortable carrying around a boatload of debt.

About the Author:

Stock Market Trading- Are you Planning to Win

By CFD FX REPORT-The Stock Market Report Traders Need

Successful stock market trading begins with a winning trading plan. It's as simple as that. If you develop a well-conceived trading plan to guide your actions in the stock market you will already have the advantage over most of your market competition. Put simply, it gives you the edge you need to win over the long haul when trading the stock market or forex market.

A stock market trading plan will not guarantee your success in the markets, but a good plan will enable you to work methodically toward your stock market trading goals while reviewing on a regular basis what is working and what is not. It will act as a roadmap for your trading journey. It will enable you to respond positively and constructively no matter what happens with your individual trades. And, most importantly, it will help you control the only thing a trader can control: his or her own actions.

Finally, stock market trading is a business. It can be a fascinating and sometimes thrilling business, but in the end it is a business. A trading plan helps you treat it as a business.

Here are some important elements of a trading plan.

1. Why am I trading? What are my goals?

The answers to these questions might seem obvious, but they usually are not. Take some time to ask them of yourself, and seriously consider the answers. You may be surprised by what you learn. And whatever the answers, you will have a clearer picture going forward of what this enterprise means to you, and that will help you survive any rough patches.

2. What markets am I going to trade and why?

It is often best to specialize, especially for beginning stock market traders. Many pros make a great living trading the same stock day every single day for years. Choose a market that is appropriate for your experience level and trading style. Consider other factors such as available margin, volatility and liquidity.

3. What is the concept or philosophy behind your trading methodology?

Your trading system must have a concept behind it. Whether you are a value investor like Warren Buffet or a trend trader like George Soros, you should understand why you are doing what you are doing, how your beliefs about the markets define what you will do as a trader.

4. What will be your specific method?

In other words, specifically how will you execute your trading ideas? Will you buy breakouts or pullbacks? Buy oversold or sell overbought? Or will you use specific technical setups such as moving-average crossovers or another indicator-based strategy? Under exactly what conditions will you enter? When will you know to exit?

5. How much money will you risk on any single trade? On trading in general?

This is critical. Of course, start small. But just as importantly, have a plan in place for how much you will risk, emotions don't cloud your judgment when the time comes. The key is to find an allocation that doesn't cause any stress but still makes the trade worthwhile financially. One of the biggest problems with newer traders is that they are trading way too big in relation to their account size. Like when you are forex trading. Trading forex at 100-1 leverage is like introducing your mistress to your wife. Yes, you can do it, but that doesn't make it a good idea. Normally they don't get along too well.

6. What will my trading rules be?

This is also critical. Your trading rules include entry and exit rules, rules governing maximum daily, weekly or monthly losses, maximum risk on any given trade, the maximum number of trades per week, etc., etc. These rules enforce discipline and keep you out of trouble. What stock price will enter at, what stock price will I will exit. Be discplined.

7. How will I record and evaluate my trading performance?

Allow me to repeat myself: This is critical. In fact, this might be the most important element of trading for new traders in the stock market. A new stock market trader who evaluates his trades, winners and losers, in an effort to learn what works and what does not, will make quantum leaps forward in terms of ability and profitability. If you have a working trading plan and evaluate every single one of your trades after you have closed it you have already beaten 95% of the competition.

8. What are my rules for managing profits?

What's the problem with profits? Well, believe it or not there is one, and it's a serious one. It's called euphoria, and it clouds the judgment perhaps more than any other emotion related to trading. Start piling up the profits for the first time and it won't be long before you are convinced you are king of the world. About 30 seconds later you'll be broke, following a series of unwise and exceedingly risky trades. So have a plan for protecting closed profits when you have reached your goals for the week or the month. Don't give them all back.

9. How will I reward myself for following my trading plan?

Don't leave this out. Following your trading plan will bring rewards in the form of profits, but you should also consciously reward yourself for doing so because it is such an important part of successful trading. So if you finish the week or the month (or even the day) without having broken any of your trading rules, find a way to reward yourself. You deserve it. You are in rare company.

If you follow your plan you are improving your chances of becoming sucessful stock market or forex trader.

Happy Trading

About the Author:

Credit repair - Easy steps you can take now

By Mark Taylor

We all have credit blemishes on our reports. Some of us worse than others. You as a consumer fall into one of only a few categories with regard to the current state of your credit. Its either fantastic with just a blemish or two, it's in a state of disarray and need help, or its absolutely horrid and needs a complete re-haul.

It doesn't matter where you fall in the list or how you got there, the bottom line is having the ability to remove these bad marks, your or not, is truly an asset. Even if your Mr./Mrs. Perfect you will someday be faced with at least an error on your report and knowing the steps to remove such an error is quite necessary.

As far as getting items removed or updated, there are no guarantees. With a little understanding of the process you will be shocked at what you can accomplish. Remember that an improvement on your credit reports can save you a lot of money. Better interest rates over your lifetime could add up to millions of dollars in savings.

Ok so in order to start the process the first thing you need is a current copy of all 3 of your credit reports. Fixing one report isn't enough. Order your reports from Experian, Trans-union, and Equifax. When you receive these reports you will need to look at each item and identify the ones that hurt. Now we simply challenge the accuracy of these bad marks.

Again simple common sense tells us that if its a large unpaid recent debt, then someone will likely respond and they are likely to call you as well. This call should be welcome, it's a chance to negotiate the debt pay it, and then re-challenge the accuracy of the information. (Follow me here.)

Motivation on the part of the creditor is what it's all about. Some will respond to anything but most will respond only when there's an underlying benefit, like getting paid. If the bad mark is a settled debt, or very old then the creditor / collector may not be inclined to stop what they are doing to reply to the bureaus.

Once the debt, the late pay, etc., becomes paid or so old there's no one to benefit then it's extremely likely that the reporting company will likely not respond within the allotted time of 30 days.

I personally like to write directly on the credit report - "This item is not accurate, I have never been late on any payments to this company. - Please verify and remove and forwarded me an updated copy of my credit report upon completion of your investigation."

The steps to clean credit are a lot of fun. Experiment with your credit reports and you will see some amazing results. You should even consider offering the service to your community, you can make some good money helping others fix their bad credit.

About the Author:

Fast Ways to Send Money to India

By Chloe Banks

One of the frequently asked questions by Indians in the U.S. is "How do I send money to my family back in India?"

There are a variety of different ways to send money to your family. Each service varies in the cost, security and amount of time it takes to transfer money to India.

On-line services offer a fast and easy way to transfer money. Services like ATM Cash allow the money transferred to be available to the recipient almost instantly.

These kinds of services are ideal when you need to get money to India as soon as possible.

If the recipient is a family member or someone trusted, an ATM or debit card linked to your checking or savings account is another way to send money to India quickly.

As long as you are comfortable with the recipient having access to your account at all times, they could have a card and PIN number so that they could have access to cash through an ATM machine.

For situations where you do not want the recipient to have unlimited access to the money, a pre-paid debit card is another way to go. It works just like an ATM card except that it is loaded with a specific amount of money. The cardholder will have no access to funds until you have refilled the pre-paid debit card. At this time you could notify the recipient via phone that money has been added to the card.

Another way to ensure easier transfers or withdrawals is by opening an account with a bank that has branches in both the U.S. and India.

The above steps are some of the ways that will help ensure that money arrives quickly when you need it and in the safest way possible.

About the Author:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Forex Trading Using Charts

By fxchart

Trading the Forex Market is all about being able to find new or upcoming trends so that you can trade your money before what you predict happens. The faster that you can identify these trends the faster you can make money from Trading. If you are the first to be able to identify these trends, the more profit you are able to make compared to trading in a current trend.

To be able to identify a trend, takes a bit of luck, some great trading skills, a really good eye and a lot of attention to detail; most of you as a Trader you will need to have the necessary tools in reading technically analysis required to find these trends.

One tool which is proven to be very useful is forex charts. Whish is also know as using technical analysis. The correct forex training to use these charts, you should be able to identify the different patterns or trends that may appear. To get more educational information on technical analysis feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORTthey can help you with educational lessons as well as finding the Best Forex Brokerin the Market.

These patterns are like finding gold and to identify where and when they will appear, it is essential to use a chart. The best possible outcome which you should aim to achieve with the use of these charts is to find a huge trend even before it happens.

When training to use forex charts in order to find your gold mine, you would have to familiarize yourself with the seven different triangle patterns. These patterns appear differently and would form under different conditions. To become a master at currency trading with charts, you would need to learn and memorize each of these patterns and train yourself to identify them whenever they appear. In the end, all that hard work and meticulous work will pay off in a huge way.

So the more education and the more effort that you put into yourself to hone your skills the more chance you have of being a profitable successful trader.

About the Author:

CFD Trading Using Charts

By cfdsignal

Trading the CFD Market is all about being able to find new or upcoming trends so that you can trade your money before what you predict happens. The faster that you can identify these trends the faster you can make money from Trading. If you are the first to be able to identify these trends, the more profit you are able to make compared to trading in a current trend.

To be able to identify a trend, takes a bit of luck, some great trading skills, a really good eye and a lot of attention to detail; most of you as a Trader you will need to have the necessary tools in reading technically analysis required to find these trends.

One tool which is proven to be very useful is CFD charts. Whish is also know as using technical analysis. The correct CFD training to use these charts, you should be able to identify the different patterns or trends that may appear. To get more educational information on technical analysis feel free to visit the CFD FX REPORTthey can help you with educational lessons as well as finding the Best CFD Brokerin the Market.

These patterns are the gold mines and to identify where and when they will pop up, it is essential to use a chart. The best possible outcome which you should aim to achieve with the use of these charts is to find a huge trend even before it happens.

When training to use CFD charts in order to find your gold mine, you would have to familiarize yourself with the seven different triangle patterns. These patterns appear differently and would form under different conditions. To become a master at currency trading with charts, you would need to learn and memorize each of these patterns and train yourself to identify them whenever they appear. In the end, all that hard work and meticulous work will pay off in a huge way.

So the more education and the more effort that you put into yourself to hone your skills the more chance you have of being a profitable successful trader.

About the Author:

Forex Trading Rules for Success

By ForexRules

So you have been thinking about Forex trading, well before you get started you need some rules and guidelines to help you become a successful trader. The other question you need to ask yourself is do you really want this? What are the reasons that you have decided to trade forex? If you write this down and continually look at these reasons, you will increase your chances of becoming a successful trader.

At the CFD FX REPORT we are big believers in these principles and we make sure that we are continually developing our members on getting better traders. If you are looking for a great Best Forex Brokerthat can help you implement these rules then please feel free to contact us

The 30 Rules to Follow to Forex Trading Success:

1. You should never over-trade- Don't trade for trades sake, you will lose otherwise 2. Make sure that you never risk more than 10% of your trading capital in a single trade, protecting your capital is very important. There will be more trade opportunities 3. Ensure that you never trade without careful stops and use trailing stops 4. Don't cancel a stop-loss after setting the trade- other than get out 5. Never average down on a suffering trade 6. When you get into a profit never let it run into a loss. 7. Never buy or sell just because the price is low or high, as what is high and low 8. Never try to think tops or bottoms- otherwise go to the casino and pick black or red 9. You should never limit a profiting trade, instead move your stops to guarantee a profit- ideal trading is as soon as you get into a good profit at aleast ensure a break even 10. You should never close a position toget out of the marketplace because you have lost patience or get in because you are anxious from waiting. 11. Please never hedge a losing position. 12. Never change your position or close a trade without a great reason. 13. Never follow a blind man's advice, everyone has trading certainties. Use systematically approach 14. Make sure that you never enter a trade if you are unsure of the trend. Never buck a trend. Remember the rule TREND IS YOUR FRIEND 15. Try to avoid scalping for little profits and taking large losses if you scalp you need tight stops 16. Avoid trading after long periods of failure- take a break, re look at your goals. 17. If you have a great run don't keep raising your trade size, otherwise you will blow yourself up. Remember great runs will come to an end, and sometimes great runs turn into bad runs. 18. Avoid getting in misguided or getting in right and out wrong, making a big mistake. 19. Always identify firm support/resistance levels. 20. Always lock in a profit at predetermined increments on profiting trades. 21. EVERY trade must have stop losses 22. Always distribute your risk equally among different markets. 23. Don't be a one trick pony, make money from both sides of the marketplace 24. Always reduce trading after the first loss; never increase, it is ideal if you use equal trade sizes, do not double up and try and get your money back. 25. Always cut your losses short and let your profits run- remember learning to take a loss is the first step to trading success. 26. When in doubt, get out. Do not get in when in doubt- back yourself if it doesn't feel right don't do it. Follow your gut sometimes as most of the time it is right. 27. Only trade active markets- illiquid markets will leave you thirsty- remember small markets are easy to get in, but remember you always have to get out. This is why forex trading is so popular. 28. Only pyramid trades that have a firm trend and should be accomplished once the price has crossed support/resistance. 29. Profits from a successful trade should be saved for future trade security deposits or put somewhere else, spread the risk. 30. Make sure you follow your rules

Extra Trading Tools:

If you are short term and trade goes bad, cut it, don't become a long term trader, other than you buying and hoping, not even buying and holding. Have a trading strategy before entering the market. Know before the trade is executed where you will take profits/loss.

Understand why a win/loss occurred and how you could of made the trade better. Consistency is the key to trading success, without it you have nothing. Your assessment is the only care, do not let outside factors affect the way you trade. Not everyone can be a trader, deem yourself worthy if given this opportunity. Most importantly have fun and stick to your rules and hopefully by following these rules they will increase your chances to becoming a successful Best Forex Broker

I hope this helps you achieve your goals. Happy Trading

About the Author:

About Getting Those Health Insurance Quotes

By Irving Donaldson

After the Internet started becoming the viable business tool that it is today and more and more applications were found, the Health Insurance industry naturally followed suit and many people started getting their health insurance quotes online.

This saved a tremendous amount of time for those involved but because not all health insurance policies are created equal, it became apparent that there was a need for a system that helped consumers sort through all the numbers and facts they had before them.

First Things First

And the first thing that you needed to do was make a list of what you needed and for who. For example, your health insurance needs in a family were a lot more than if you just wanted an individual policy to cover yourself. There are several aspects that you'll want to consider in a health insurance policy regardless of the number of people that you need to cover and these include,

Overlapping plans. Often there's someone in a family unit or a relative that's got coverage that can add someone else on. Cost. Unfortunately, regardless of the kind of coverage that you'd like, you'll need to figure in the amount that you can spend.


All that will supply a framework so you can get started looking at actual online health insurance quotes. You'll want to start with recommended sites, and you can get the best leads from coworkers and of course members of your family. As well you can get some great information about the reputation of companies off the Internet on any health insurance forums that you can find. Remember that it's a one/two process so far. First you need to get the information on what you need together and then you can research who you think will be the best to give you the health insurance coverage that you need.


Although it might sound easy to compare your findings and come to a conclusion about the company that's right for you, it's often not a simple as it looks. Here it's suggested that if you get stuck, you can get in touch with any one of a number of online agents that can steer you along with the right quotes. It's necessary to make sure that these agents are licensed and that they know all the restrictions and such for each policy on a state by state basis.

About the Author:

Forex- The Trading Rules For Success

By ForexRules

So you have been thinking about Forex trading, well before you get started you need some rules and guidelines to help you become a successful trader. The other question you need to ask yourself is do you really want this? What are the reasons that you have decided to trade forex? If you write this down and continually look at these reasons, you will increase your chances of becoming a successful trader.

At the CFD FX REPORT we are big believers in these principles and we make sure that we are continually developing our members on getting better traders. If you are looking for a great Best Forex Brokerthat can help you implement these rules then please feel free to contact us

The 30 Rules to Follow to Forex Trading Success:

1. You should never over-trade- Don't trade for trades sake, you will lose otherwise 2. Make sure that you never risk more than 10% of your trading capital in a single trade, protecting your capital is very important. There will be more trade opportunities 3. Ensure that you never trade without careful stops and use trailing stops 4. Don't cancel a stop-loss after setting the trade- other than get out 5. Never average down on a suffering trade 6. When you get into a profit never let it run into a loss. 7. Never buy or sell just because the price is low or high, as what is high and low 8. Never try to think tops or bottoms- otherwise go to the casino and pick black or red 9. You should never limit a profiting trade, instead move your stops to guarantee a profit- ideal trading is as soon as you get into a good profit at aleast ensure a break even 10. You should never close a position toget out of the marketplace because you have lost patience or get in because you are anxious from waiting. 11. Please never hedge a losing position. 12. Never change your position or close a trade without a great reason. 13. Never follow a blind man's advice, everyone has trading certainties. Use systematically approach 14. Make sure that you never enter a trade if you are unsure of the trend. Never buck a trend. Remember the rule TREND IS YOUR FRIEND 15. Try to avoid scalping for little profits and taking large losses if you scalp you need tight stops 16. Avoid trading after long periods of failure- take a break, re look at your goals. 17. If you have a great run don't keep raising your trade size, otherwise you will blow yourself up. Remember great runs will come to an end, and sometimes great runs turn into bad runs. 18. Avoid getting in misguided or getting in right and out wrong, making a big mistake. 19. Always identify firm support/resistance levels. 20. Always lock in a profit at predetermined increments on profiting trades. 21. EVERY trade must have stop losses 22. Always distribute your risk equally among different markets. 23. Don't be a one trick pony, make money from both sides of the marketplace 24. Always reduce trading after the first loss; never increase, it is ideal if you use equal trade sizes, do not double up and try and get your money back. 25. Always cut your losses short and let your profits run- remember learning to take a loss is the first step to trading success. 26. When in doubt, get out. Do not get in when in doubt- back yourself if it doesn't feel right don't do it. Follow your gut sometimes as most of the time it is right. 27. Only trade active markets- illiquid markets will leave you thirsty- remember small markets are easy to get in, but remember you always have to get out. This is why forex trading is so popular. 28. Only pyramid trades that have a firm trend and should be accomplished once the price has crossed support/resistance. 29. Profits from a successful trade should be saved for future trade security deposits or put somewhere else, spread the risk. 30. Make sure you follow your rules

Extra Trading Tools:

If you are short term and trade goes bad, cut it, don't become a long term trader, other than you buying and hoping, not even buying and holding. Have a trading strategy before entering the market. Know before the trade is executed where you will take profits/loss.

Understand why a win/loss occurred and how you could of made the trade better. Consistency is the key to trading success, without it you have nothing. Your assessment is the only care, do not let outside factors affect the way you trade. Not everyone can be a trader, deem yourself worthy if given this opportunity. Most importantly have fun and stick to your rules and hopefully by following these rules they will increase your chances to becoming a successful Best Forex Broker

I hope this helps you achieve your goals. Happy Trading

About the Author:

Getting Health Insurance When You're Self Employed

By Irving Donaldson

More and more people need to rely on self employment as their primary job and that means as a general rule that they need to understand the best ways of getting affordable health insurance on their own. As the economy worsens, an increasing number of jobs are lost that have the advantage of an employer with an excellent health insurance option, and rather than find themselves without, people are turning to the right agents to help them find the best coverage possible.


And many of these people might not need to look very far. In the best case scenario, there's a spouse that still has the kind of affordable health coverage that might even cover the disenfranchised person as well. This is method will save you potentially hundreds of dollars a month.

As well it might be possible for you to talk to the health insurance company that your presently employers use. This assuming that you're still working but will be laid off soon. This person might be able to help you find some affordable health insurance that's similar to the one you have at a higher deductible.


You might want to network as well and take the time to talk with some friends and others who are self employed. They'll be the ones that can tell you all about their experiences with getting the health insurance that you need as someone working on their own.

The other option that most people prefer is going online where they can get multiple health insurance quotes quickly. Here you'll need to be careful about the responses that you get and it's a great idea to have a general idea about the kind of insurance that you need and the amount that you're willing to pay before you start out. Remember that you'll want to get these quotes based on your current health and it's not a bad idea to get quite a few quotes before you start to narrow down your choices.


Remember that you dont need to go it alone either. There are many health insurance companies that have friendly knowledgeable agents that are willing to work with you to get the best price for the most health insurance coverage. Choose the company with the agents that are licensed and have the best knowledge of the requirements from state to state.

About the Author:

How To Invest In Troubled Times

By Charles Johnson

These days with the market in chaos, there are many questions over what the best way to invest money is. Depending on your personal situation you may have a few options, this article will take you through a few of your options and help you decide which is the best course of action for you.

Risky investments typically pay more than safer investments so young investors are very lucky because they can afford to take on extra risk. Should the investment go bad and the investor loses their shirt, they will have time to make up the income before they retire, typically 30 or more years later. Investing early can mean big returns come retirement.

If you are an older investor you need to take your current retirement situation in to consideration. If you are planning on retiring in the near future you need to be sure to invest in something much less risky than stocks, preferably secure bonds, treasury bills or bonds, money market investments or something that virtually guarantees you income, even if it only a small percentage return.

The second thing you need to consider is your every day income level. They say money makes money, and unfortunately for the common man that is very true. Investors in high tax brackets can afford to deal with the wild swings the stock market sometimes experiences, while an investor that relies heavily on their day to day income can't make up a heavy loss as easily and therefore needs to invest in something more secure. Secure investments don't typically pay the high returns that the risky investments do, although there are some occasional exceptions.

The last thing you want to consider is the amount of debt that you have currently. If your credit card interest rate is higher than a potential return on investment from stocks, you need to pay down the debt first. In most cases credit card rates are much higher than you will earn in this economy.

About the Author:

Bar The Madness:Know The Common Debt Consolidation Terms

By Frank Froggatt

When you go into debt there are a good deal of things that get vague. First Off you have to work out a budget, then all the bills you possess, your creditors and how much you owe, and even more. It can be a little troublesome, so taking that in mind we put together the following list of terms to help you get on the correct route to living debt free.

Debt consolidation- a debt consolidation is when you have all of your bills put into one bill so you can easily pay them, by exercising this you might get smaller interest rates and no more fees for being late.

Unsecured Debt:This is debt that has no collateral. Like charge cards and hospital bills. This term does not include items such as your dwelling, jet skiis, Haley Davidson or any such thing simply non material based debt.

Home Equity Loan:For homeowners the equity in your dwelling can be borrowed against to pay all of your bills or for home improvement. If the betterments appreciate the value of your holding your interest rates might be really small. Then Again if the loan is to be utilized for debt consolidation or debt reduction you can count on paying a loftier rate.

Debt Reduction: This is a last recourse choice for those whose credit rating is really awful. What the company would require you to do is ignore your lenders for up to 6 calendar months while saving up your money to use to negotiate which would be less in the long run. This however will demolish whatever credit rating you possess wholly. So you may desire to keep from this unless there aren't any different choices.

Settlement:Lets say for illustration that you owe 4000 dollarson a charge card or some other non secured debt, but pay under the minimum or can't or even haven't paid at all. They might settle for 30-70% less than they are owed in hopes to ensure that they at the least get a little of the debt that they are owed. This impacts your credit score as all of your accounts will be marked "paid as agreed" which bespeaks a non payment.

You will discover that you can receive a good deal of help with your financial situation on-line, but you need to do the due diligence and make sure you have selected aid that is through a party with a great reputation of serving consumers and not victimizing them.Don't ever disclose your personalized information with any business online unless you know for certain about them and have explored them with the BBB.

About the Author:

Looking At Those Health Insurance Quotes Properly

By Irving Donaldson

Now we all know that its not a problem to get all the information you need when youre looking for health insurance on the Internet. Point and click. Thats all it takes to get the best health insurance quotes.

Insurance Care Direct

But once youve got those quotes, do you know whats in your best interest then? Well, thats what the good people at Insurance Care Direct are there for. Theyve got the professional staff of licensed agents that know all the regulations that each state has when it comes to getting the best in low cost health insurance for their customers. Still, it helps if you know what to look for as well and to do that youll need to follow a few simple guidelines that can help you narrow your search down.

1. Know What You Needs Are. Some people have coverage that they dont know they have. Often a spouse will have coverage through work that will cover other members of the family. Checking out what youve already got helps to cut costs especially when youre looking for something especially important like life insurance.

2. Know You Budget. Remember that while you want the best in low cost health insurance for you family, you also need to be practical and get what you can pay for.

3. Taking into account future plans helps too. For example, if youve got older relatives that youd like to cover, you might want to take into account their health insurance needs will likely rise as they get older. As well, if youve got someone in the house that will be heading off to university soon, its a good idea to have a serious look at student health insurance that acts like a great form of supplemental health insurance.

Its essential that you remember not all of these health insurance companies are created equally either. When you start getting a bunch of health insurance quotes, youll see that although there are state regulations, many of these places regulate what they offer differently and the way they treat preexisting conditions often varies greatly.

And thats why you need what Insurance Care Direct has to offer. Theyre the online broker thats committed to getting you the very best in low cost health insurance regardless of whether you need it for the entire family or just the individual.

About the Author:

Individual Health Insurance Policies Require A Little Finesse

By Helen Irving

Health insurance has a number of different ways to cover you in the event of a major medical emergency that can and often will deplete your resources, but its always best if you take the time to understand the differences between the policies that are offered so that you can make the choice that suits you best.

Health Savings Accounts

Remember that the best way to get the most from any health insurance policy is generally to get one through work where the employer and the employees can dilute the cost of really good features through the use of health savings accounts. For a great majority of people, the health insurance coverage they get comes from these group health insurance policies that often pick up some other family members as well.

But more and more employers are opting out of these blanket types of coverage partially due to the economic conditions we find ourselves in and this means that the individual is being left to fend for themselves and get an individual policy of some kind.

Fending For Themselves

Now one of the first things that people need to know about these individual health insurance policies is that they are a little more intricate than a group insurance policy but that doesnt mean they are any less worth while.

The first step is to find an insurance agent. Its important that you look for the right professional who has all the right credentials and a solid knowledge of the health insurance industry. Its important to remember that these agents must register with each states appropriate governing body, so youll be sure when you find one of these people that youre getting someone who will be able to steer for you in what might be otherwise unchartered waters.

Looking for Help Online

However, getting an agent the old fashioned way is not the only option. The advent of the Internet means that youll be able to look for the help that youll need online as well. Getting these side by side online quotes is another great way to compare what each company has to offer.

Once youve made your decision about how youre going to select the policy, its time to start looking at what you need in the actual coverage. In all cases and no matter whether youve got an agent or are looking at the health insurance quotes online yourself, its essential that you get some clearly defined terms set aside.

For example, youll need to be sure of:

Whats covered. When the policy starts What the restrictions are when it comes to pre existing conditions.

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Repairing Your Credit With Poor Credit Cards!

By Philip Crafton

When you hear the term poor credit cards, you may initially wonder if it is something for you. The truth of the matter is that if you have problems with your credit or if you would like to build up good credit, they most certainly are!

Make sure that you know what poor credit cards are. They are essentially secured cards or prepaid cards that you can apply for. With the small amount that is on them, you will be able to have it paid off every month, quickly and easily.

If you have gotten into debt with credit cards, the last thing that you might want to do is to get another one. When you are dealing with overly-persistent collection agencies or creditors, another credit card may seem like the worst idea on the world. On the other hand, simply following a few basic steps, you can get the results that you need from your poor credit card.

1.Remember that your credit history is not changing any time fast.

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that if you have bad credit, nothing is going to change in the next few years. You may be parked in stasis, and you may not have any options besides sitting and cooling your heels. In many cases, you may be stuck without the ability to start repairing your credit until it is all over, which can take years! When you start working with a poor credit card and really getting good results, this process can take a lot less time and it can leave you feeling a lot more hopeful!

2.Get to know your credit score

When you are looking into seeing what poor credit cards can do for you, remember that you need to know what your situation really is. Apply for a free credit report and figure out where you are coming from. This is something that can go a long way towards letting you know what your situation is and where you need to go from there.

3.Come up with a strategy

When you want to get out of debt, remember that you need a plan. There are a number of ways for you to get ahead with poor credit cards, but remember that a plan is very important. Consider putting your bills on the card, as you will know what is coming due at the end of every month. Remember that the fewer surprises you have to deal with, the better off you are going to be.

Remember that poor credit cards are a good way to get yourself out of debt and to letting you get back in charge of your financial situation. Go into it with your eyes open and see what a difference it can make.

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Affordable Health Insurance Is Within Everyones Grasp

By Irving Donaldson

There are those who are sure that the whole concept behind affordable health insurance is something that wont ever really materialize for them. These people have convinced themselves that the best health insurance is for those that can afford it and they think that the premiums alone would be more cost than they could bear.

Thats not the case at all. Affordable health insurance is within everyones grasp and a good first step to getting some is to sign up with the right brokers. Remember that the people who know about these things will be able to point you in the right direction so that all the health insurance quotes that you get will be both reasonable and cost efficient.

Background Information

Start with getting the right background information. For example, if life insurance is what youre looking for, make sure that you know what kind suits you best before you start the process. Theres term life insurance and whole life insurance to choose from for starters as well as a host of other products. The thing to do here is ask a lot of questions. Investing in any and all forms of health insurance or life insurance is a move that can have far reaching consequences and you need to make sure that youve got the right package.

Stuck With Bills

As far as the right health insurance goes, you need to balance the cost against what you want. The idea is to avoid getting stuck with medical bills that could seriously damage or ruin the familys finances but of course theres no need to over extend yourself just so you can say youre covered. Balance is the key.

Putting Together A Package

And achieving that balance is all about putting together a package that you can give to a broker so that theyll know what youre looking for. There are several things that youll want to look at here and they include:

Who Needs It. Look at the projected needs of everyone in your family and then decide who needs health insurance. Its not necessary to add on for someone who has a policy through their work.

Budget. Take a step back and decide if you can really afford whats being proposed in the quotes. Just because the Internet is immediate and fast doesnt mean that you need to be. Get the quotes and then take a step back to see how well that new deduction will play out against the rest of the household budget.

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